Friday, October 29, 2010

morning yearning...

Waking up with the sun and my two favorite people...sassiness and silliness...

Listen to Ben Harper's Morning Yearning

p.s. seriously why is youtube still banned in this country?


L to the J said...

The reason it is still banned is because government has always fought to consolidate power. The internet being the biggest threat to that since the invention of the firearm. So they ban it (In Turkey) or censor it (in the US,, because we are so much better than all those other countries out there, were SOOOOO free, like totally, and if you dont like it you can just GEEEEEEEEEEEEEt Out. *Vomits*). It's the natural progression of things and has ALWAYS happened, just pick up a history book and its the same story over and over. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Which is why this country was founded upon the separation of powers as a way of preserving something that humanity had been fighting for since forever. Liberty, freedom from oppressive government rule. The problem is when people dont enforce the rules (The Constitution) or sometimes more importantly forget why we have those rules. The system breaks. Ultimately, I have great faith that the true power has always and will always rest with the people, and the internet will play a huge part of that. Its all cyclical. Thats the other truth a history book can prove. My two cents. /rant.

Mimmi said...

It's not banned anymore : )