Monday, November 30, 2009


She just keeps getting cuter:)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Mercy home foundation...

One of my dearest friends, Trinea is doing a round the world trip. She has currently stopped off in India to work with a non-profit named Mercy Home Foundation who helps take care of women who would other wise have no where else to go. They all have some varying form of autism or other mental disorders but are basically all grouped together since they lack funding for doctors to diagnose let alone treat them.

They need basic necessities most of all and a place to feel safe, warm and home!!!

Please read more of Trinea's journey at and donate whatever you can at mercy home foundation

The above photo is from when Trinea visited me in Turkey. We are standing in front of the Sultanahmet, Blue Mosque on a spring day.

We are lucky girls to have been born healthy and safe with loving families!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Elimination communication; ie: baby potty training!

Ok so I heard about this from my sister...she had been in Costa Rica for the summer working at this enviromental learning center, Rancho Mastatal in the jungle... pretty sweet but that is a different story.

She told me how the little girl who was only one year old would use a hand signal when she needed to use the potty. She can't talk yet but is signally for the potty! My sister suggested I teach Mavisu to do the same.

At first I thought it seemed a bit crazy, let's be honest but was willing to at least read the book and give it a try.

I got the book from the library and it took me forever to read as I have a newborn and life is on baby does the time fly by? (oh but I love her so much!)Tip to new moms...have it close to you for everytime you breast feed you can read.

So I read Ingrid Bauer's book, Diaper free! The Gentle Wisdom of Natural Infant Hygeine. and it made a lot of sense. That this early potty training only actually sounds crazy to the western world. That you tune into your child and watch facial expressions and noises to know when they need to relieve themselves.

So I started with Mavisu yesterday...and havn't had time to write about it...

life is different these days...been trying to finish this blog entry for days!!! but i am a new momma who can't seem to find the time and must learn to do all things one handed!!! love it but is a whole new world!!!!!!

i'm tired...will go into detail later about how it is baby using the potty...

note: her leg warmers for easy diaper on and off...ohhh she is cute!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mehmet Ali...

Seni seviyoruz!

Seni ozliyoruz!

My dear father-in-law passed on October 25th 2009. He had a long battle with lung cancer that had metastasized to his brain.

Thank you for your beautiful son!

Mavisu's two grandpa angels!

I am so glad they met and we all had a good time together before this craziness all happened!

As my mom pointed out...hopefully my dad and Ali are in heaven together playing Tavla(backgammon) where language is not a problem. Smiling down on us!

They will be missed everyday but thank you for your legacy!

We cherish the memories and thank you for what you left behind in us all!

Friday, November 6, 2009

sharp, surprising stab in the back...

First off thinking and praying for my dearest auntie godmother who had a double mastectomy yesterday...Dearest Auntie I love you more than words! You are so special, kind, giving, thoughtful, selfless and wonderful! A true don't need boobs to be any of those things:) I promise to have a petite syrah and lentil soup ready to aid in a speedy recovery.

FUCK CANCER (sorry but swearing is necessary sometimes!)

As far as thoughts of my father we still are going through the motions, living life and able to laugh and talk about dad but then it(the reality of his absence) sneaks up behind you and stabs you in the back...but as my mom said that is good. We need to feel it.

The most recent tear-jerker was this morning, a card from my great-aunt Audrey who lives in Arizona:

My most outstanding memory of Kim is when he met me at the airport after Dayton died(my father's father). He greeted me with a big hug and his famous smile, and I thought:"I bet he learned to show warmth that way from Theresa(mom)." Us Johnsons, my generation and previous ones for sure, were pretty much taught not be very demonstrative. So I thank you for your love for him and for helping him and will always remember him that way. He really made me feel like family.

So thank you Aunt Audrey for the note and for keeping in touch! Very special!

The above photo is from when my mom and dad came to Turkey to check out this other life. It makes my heart so happy that my dad got to meet the future in-laws and see just what I have been living. It one thing to hear about places but a whole other to experience them.

My dad's neck had gotten really cramped from his first really long plane trip. Well at the time we blamed the trip but in hindsight we wonder if it had to do with the cancer? I was helping support his neck so he could see the beautiful domed ceilings at the Hagia Sophia mosque/church(a must when you all come visit us in Istanbul:).We were laughing away of course.

The one time I could support my dad. He loved and supported us countless unasked times. I realize now something I sort of took for granted, the solid rock, supportive roots that was my father. But now I ask myself "WWKD" -What Would KAJMAN Do? How would my father do it? It helps.

I was inspired to post this pic since my dear seester has a photo of her and dad on facebook. It is good to be reminded even though it hurts.

Thanks to all for sharing stories they mean a lot to us. Never forget.