Thursday, April 12, 2007

Sweeter than sugar...

These children are much sweeter than sugar cubes. Since being in Turkey I have been completely enamoured with the Turkish children who run around in their little blue school uniforms. Each child has a different hand embroidered white collar. At our University there is a hot lunch program they offer for one lira per day(about 75 cents). Surprisingly it isn't too bad and obviously you can't beat the price. They also bus in elementary school children to feed. The kids are always zipping and zooming around us during lunch. On this day Spring was in the air and oranges(portokal) were on the lunch menu. All these kids were outside in the sun eating these huge, sweet, juicy oranges in their blue complimentary color uniforms. I thought they were so beautiful and asked if I could take a photo of a few of them. At first there was three, then seven, ten and all of a sudden my photo was swarming with twenty-five orange and sun kissed children. I felt kinda bad cropping the photo because each was posing in their own cute way.

1 comment:

kloeamongtheturks said...

Hi Sugar,
Hope you're having fun where ever you are! I've been "ill" so no class. Adventures in Turkish health care and hospitals, great fun...
Your blog is looking great! Good idea to expand the idea of sweetness; you are so UP!
See you soon.