This beautiful bouquet was made by my darling mother who used lots of good things that have sprung up after the long Minnesota winters. She used rhubarb flowers(I will explain rhubarb and it's deliciousness in a post soon), honeysuckle and some grape vines all inside a cool old glass jar. It was perfect on the picnic table for our BBQ we had! I love the green lawn in the background too! Lots of love for my home town!
I have been in USA for about three weeks now between Minnesota and San Diego, California. Busy times and have been neglecting my blog even though I have lots to write about! I really want to make more time soon!
In the mean time my second column, A Journey Within came out last week through Didim/Altinkum's local English newspaper, Voices. It is a continuation of my first column, the initial experiences/reactions to my first days inside Turkey. Hope you enjoy!