...with slippers
Every house I go to you take your shoes off just outside the door(good habit I think). Then I swear no matter how many guests a person has over they seem to find enough slippers for everyone!? Pulling out this size and that color depending. Maybe a little small or big for you but there will be something on your feet! Sometimes I walk in the house just trying to say my hosbulduks correctly(The response after welcome(hosgeldiniz)I think it means thank you for welcoming me) and to get my Turkish kisses correct. Then the host is always running after me with slippers to share. I have socks on! It is a warm welcoming thing but different for me. Turks seem to be scared of the cold(plan to publish later posts about this topic) but always extremely hospitable, almost overly nurturing. The floors are usually tile or beautiful rugs -no plush carpets part of it? At home, I am always running around the house barefoot and my boyfriend runs after me with slippers saying, “baby please!”(meaning put your slippers on before you catch cold!) Endearing really...
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