Grammy went to heaven today...
She is giving my dad and Ali kisses. Maybe they'll teach her tavla(backgammon)?
She was 90. It was time. She had been wanting to just "go home" for a long time. It was a blessing really. Grandpa wants to follow her close behind. He is her "best kisser" after all...
"one for me, one for you, and one for us" Every time 3 kisses.
They have been married for over 65!
I feel fortunate to have so many beautiful memories of my grandparents, their green house with the door always open, bells ringing, the round kitchen table and always plenty of food. The big gardens outside, grammy's raspberry jam, mmm...summer tomatoes with basil, vinegar, and tons of garlic...
She was a great cook!
Grandma never complained, "I'm fine", was so humble, kind, and...
These times are when it is so hard to live abroad...
It was past time for grammy to go but wish I could be hearing the memories shared as everyone takes turn laughing and crying in her honor...listening to "Amazing Grace" in church...hugging the tons and tons of relatives that come with big families who all live close by each other...
It is so different when someone passes at the ripe old age of 90, more a blessing than anything as opposed to 57- then you just feel robbed of time-like it isn't quite fair.
Grandpa will follow soon I'm sure and it will be amazing when the little green house that nurtured 7 babies and tons of grand babies and great-grand babies with the 50 year old willow tree in front? Another constant - a root that will be severed that I am going to have to get used to...ohhh man...
Dear grandma, I love you so much...Goodnight...sweet dreams...
Love, Em
Emily I know how hard it is when we live in a different country and someone we are so close to, passes away. Just hold your wonderful memories in your heart. It will sustain you.
Sending you hugs (( ))
So sad to hear this Emily. What a wonderful family you have...
Em, this will be read at Gram's funeral and we know you will be with us. It is a beautiful tribute to a most beautiful woman. We are so lucky to have been raised by her.
you just had so much loss in one year! May the little life growing in front of you nurture your hurting heart.
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