As many people know being a momma is no joke. It is a full time job, a different kind of full time like 24/7 and if you don't know what I mean check out some articles...
The story from Babycenter, How Motherhood Makes You Smarter and 42 things that change when you have a baby
As I have mused before that I LOVE being a mom but need some me time!
I was really struggling to find that time because I was searching for time like I used to have- being able to sit and sew, paint(insert something creative) for hours on end, working out projects, testing techniques, making messes, hating my projects then eventually being pretty proud of myself or having learned something at least:)...
Well time is not my own anymore and I have moved 10 times in the past three years and my stuff is at 5 different houses currently(ekkk-I am ready to replant some roots!)
So my excuses come down to time and space. I need to become portable and embrace a new creative process...portable and compartmentalized...
So this is my long way of saying I have really been enjoying taking photos lately.
Baby girl, Tequila and I go for walks everyday next to the sea. I quickly(key to it all) load up her stroller so stuff is popping out of the back storage compartment. I push her stroller to the limits- off-roading on the bumpy rocky terrain that is Didim. Her little body bobbling in the stroller. She LOVES to be outside! My husband wonders just how long the stroller is going to hold up?
One nice thing about the rocks everywhere is that my dog has endless balls...pick up a rock...throw it and of course repeat...she loves retrieving but hasn't gotten the release down yet but have no fear...there is another rock!
Initially, this walk is white rocks, the Aegean sea and low lying shrubbery. As I walk...I notice more and repeat
That camera is really fantastic. Great purchase.
Your photos are lovely. I've only just taken up photography...although that word makes it seem more than it's really just snapping and practising at the moment, but in these days of digital cameras and being able upload to a pc, it's much more enjoyable.
And yes motherhood is indeed a full-time job, the most important job ever in my opinion. Give it a little longer and you will find that you can obtain some "me-time" needs careful planning.
Holy crap, cutest picture of Mavi by the sea. I miss you all and so great to talk to you this weekend!
Excellent to use photography as your new media, you are great at it. Brother is right, the camera purchase was genius!
Just loving your beautiful photographs and the words that invite me to experience. It sounds like your creative talents are presently being used to "create a home" in this foreign land that is quickly lulling your heart to "see" in new ways. This too takes time!
Emily, thank you so much for linking to my post on process and creativity... I love that you are carving out a niche for yourself. Your work, your creativity grows and changes as you do, and being a mama is an incredibly creative and taxing job -- it can feel like that reservoir of energy gets tapped for daily living. I think that since having babies, I work smarter, not quicker... I have to prioritize and when I get alone time, I don't dawdle like I used to... yes it was fun to lay out projects and work all day without thought of anything else, but I'm more energized these days by seeing small puzzle pieces fit together to make the whole. Photography is such a great way to capture the moment though, too... love your lace photos by the way!
THese photos speak "relaxation" to me. lovely! "pictures ARE worth a thousand words"
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